Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bosch Dishwasher Repair Manual Meme ~

already started in February, so it's mid-afternoon. But it robs [info] hessefan and I have no desire to start studying yet. (I have time to become hysterical over the next two months.)

1. Your main fandom this year (2010):

2. The film that you liked best this year:

3. The best book I've read this year

4. Your favorite album or song that you've heard this year:

5. Your favorite TV series of the year:

6. Your favorite Livejournal community year

7. Your best fannish discovery of the year:

8. Fannish your biggest disappointment of the year:

9. Male character in fiction of the year:

10: female characters in fiction of the year:

11. Your hysterical frikifan time of year:

12. Your old fandoms what have you missed most? CHTMLX C

13. The fandom that you have not tried, but you would like:

14. As a fan what do you expect more impatiently for this new year?

1. Your main fandom this year (2010):

Bleach. Was more than I wrote and the most raved.

2. The film that you liked best this year:

The Wave. ( Die Welle German) was very shocking, theI saw some friends and stayed with my mouth open, very shocking. And the funny thing is that not the kind of film that I would look out of the blue. Unbelievable.

3. The best book I've read this year

Hard to choose one. I think the second part of Don Quixote, especially since a few years ago I was encouraged to read it. It felt good to pay off that debt, and I fell in love with the characters. And the style of Cervantes, no doubt. Although hard to believe there were times when this book took me clean laughter. But it also has some depression.

Ppatience of the new year?

of everything! The next meeting between Naruto and Sasuke, a flashback of the making of Zoro that cut on the eye, and Ryohei Yamamoto return, knowing that paint really new Bleach, and by God, something, anything , over the past Ryuuken and Isshin.


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