already started in February, so it's mid-afternoon. But it robs hessefan and I have no desire to start studying yet. (I have time to become hysterical over the next two months.)
1. Your main fandom this year (2010):
2. The film that you liked best this year:
3. The best book I've read this year
4. Your favorite album or song that you've heard this year:
5. Your favorite TV series of the year:
6. Your favorite Livejournal community year
7. Your best fannish discovery of the year:
8. Fannish your biggest disappointment of the year:
9. Male character in fiction of the year:
10: female characters in fiction of the year:
11. Your hysterical frikifan time of year:
12. Your old fandoms what have you missed most? CHTMLX C
13. The fandom that you have not tried, but you would like:
14. As a fan what do you expect more impatiently for this new year?
1. Your main fandom this year (2010):
Bleach. Was more than I wrote and the most raved.
2. The film that you liked best this year:
The Wave. ( Die Welle German) was very shocking, theI saw some friends and stayed with my mouth open, very shocking. And the funny thing is that not the kind of film that I would look out of the blue. Unbelievable.
3. The best book I've read this year
Ppatience of the new year?
of everything! The next meeting between Naruto and Sasuke, a flashback of the making of Zoro that cut on the eye, and Ryohei Yamamoto return, knowing that paint really new Bleach, and by God, something, anything , over the past Ryuuken and Isshin.
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