Here @
Sunday, February 6, 2011
What Air Tank Will Work With Proto Slg Beyond Science - Chapter 20
- Two. - Replied quietly. My father opened his eyes half-serious and half-laughing, while my mother was something serious. - Do you supposed that a problem? - No. Only ... Does that mean you're going to have or already happened?
- Do not go there, I do not think ... - I said my mother.
- Yes
- Sure? Because you see if you go because you're pregnant.
A Sheldon did not need any translation of the Last Previma word, because as I jumped in surprise.
- No, no. Baby no. - Said in my language.
- What? No! Daddy please! Do not be ...
- No. Do not be, no. Which of these do not know and ... Well, anyway, I'm glad it is not that why you're leaving. Although, now that I think ... If you go, is because you think marry, right?
sighed. Sheldon translated and it took over the account because they also added that he was going to have our agreement. He was satisfied.
- Well ... Not that we goWe get married now, but if we thought of living together is more than clear intention. We have been calculating and, in about a year, if our incomes are going well ... Yes, we married. But for now, better Forget about it. Let's go slowly.
were still anything but delighted with the idea, but I gave up arguing with them because he knew beforehand he was going to make it funny. Fortunately and to avoid guilt by Sheldon, events overtook me and explained the possible discomfort to see that he had no fault, but that was the fearIsa HTMLXC looked incredulous for a few seconds. It took a great effort not to laugh so hard that he almost fell to the ground, as it does from time to time, because the face of Sheldon was a poem. "I was going to have a serious talk with my sister for their share of blame for that reaction, I was really scared. Avoiding
spoon puts face, it is believed that real labor
legs for, as I say, laughing, half smiled and said:
- Sheldon, I will not paste. I say this only because I hope that you must carefully fine. Easy.
- Ah, okay. It's just an expression.Okay. Then, hold what you said Leonard. Forgive my reaction ... - Staring at me. - Is that, although I know that I have no fault, your parents left me worried.
- Sheldon. - He said Mamen. - No parent amused their children move more joins other State. I know what I mean. But just accepting, believe me. She will not have problems with how good you are with Natalia.
- I hope so. - Suddenly, he brightened. - Changing the subject but not in context, Natalia, I must inform you that you have already installed the stair lift. Live together first and then we ...
- Exactly. So, for now, Natalia is my friend, my girlfriend, but not my-back to do the quotes-fiancee. Reserve your enthusiasm for later. My mother should learn something that is not yet.
This he said looking at Penny, who was still in shock., But promised to say nothing.
- Well - said Isa .- But, then, within a year we get married or what? I have some really cool shoes that I only post once.
- Shoes? - Commented Penny approached her. Mamen as well. - Well, I have a really cute golden color very well come to the wedding.
- You say you feel lost if we speak of Isa or Science? - I asked Sheldon watching the scene and shook his head.
- Bah, let them delude themselves so that the day that I present some relative of yours, you're going to miss this racket for some shoes.
- Oh God, do not remind me ... I will stick?
- If it is present in the hypothetical Wedding ... Tell your brother to take your father's gun. - Sheldon looked at me aterroriZado .- Just kidding, Sheldon, who have not been to make friends with them on a TV show such as stick every few minutes. You calm.
As said earlier, the summer ended and went back to Pasadena, quite sad in the background. One thing is to plan the future, see for some distance and quite another to live the moment. As Sheldon with his mother, I was very close to mine, it is the person who has always been with me and fought for me, so I took a world not mourn the day I left . I did not want to do or her or by Sheldon, for fear that he felt guilty. But on the plane, I came I could not Masyr out the window, not to get sadder and threw the curtain. Suddenly, I realized that Sheldon was trying to do something. It took me several seconds to realize that it was a hug, because I still was not very skilled in the art and going very slowly, as if I were to break. As did Leonard, let alone do it. I pulled her to him and when he saw that I leaned on his shoulder, he said,
-Ea, ea. - I outlined a smile to hear that, and the laughter of Mamen. But Sheldon did not pay any attention and went on:
- I understand how you feel. Despite being a religious fanatic who did not understandiacute; to not talk to my mother. But then, I was adjusting to my new life and, although you know very well how much I love it, if it were not said goodbye, my intelligence would be wasted in that city and that's something I do not forgive ; to ... Like the fact not knowing. This relationship would not have happened to us not left home.
- I know, so I decided to go. But I will make it difficult to get used ... Last year I did, but I took it better because I knew I was right: Leave my house for the sake of my mother ... Now is the right thing my own well and looks scary to me. But I must notMamen
MLXC Leonard and Sheldon smiled when they made the sign of the thumb with your other hand. ***
Sheldon was very expectant. When Leonard reached the landing, called Penny.
- It is ready.
- Oh, well. A's see ... - said with equal enthusiasm. Sheldon took the walkie-talkie and said
- Wonder Woman, Flash, will I get?
- Laughter. - Yes, Sheldon. When you want answered .-
Mamen - Good. - With the other hand, took a kind of control .- Rising.
I panicked a bit when Aquecall mini-platform that would increase began to move, but soon got used. Also, just in case, Mamen was very outstanding. When I finally reached the landing, everyone applauded the success of the elevator.
- Nat, can I borrow it when he comes laden with shopping bags?
- How funny, Penny. - Sheldon commented that releasing such a short laugh for a few seconds later, turning serious and telling. - This is not a toy.
- No. But good that you offered to try it when I installed.
- Sorry, I have paid for this instalacióny is my girlfriend. Moreover, on; What I did to make sure everything was in perfect condition. I was exercising my right to make such pilots.
- Vale, Sheldon. It was a joke ...
- So I laughed. In short: Natalia, welcome home. - I said
- Thanks .- entering answered. I could not believe that this was now my new home, considering the few times that, for obvious reasons, had been there. I smiled, looking around. There it was: Sheldon's desk with his figures, his slate, full as usual, the blessed journey sofa ... In my observation, however, I realized something:
- Leonard,Where is your board?
Leonard tried to ask me with a gesture of silence that keep, but it was too late. Sheldon looked where once stood the walls of his friend and, indeed, was gone. But not only that: Sheldon continued to monitor the habitacióny said
- not only do not have your board, but some of your books ... Everything is perfectly ordered, so I could not steal. What about Leonard?
- Ehm ... I did not want to tell you this, but as is the case ... I'm going to live with Mamen.
-home bio both achieve more intimacy with our partners. In your case, will help you see more clearly how it may be a Natalia future.
And even knowing that you really like, let me inform you that, even though sometimes I get riled up, this decision cost me take it because you're my best friend and, though we live one floor away after so many years will it cost me to get used to not living with you.
But as I say, live to a plant away, so nothing will change between us.
long and prosper.
Leonard. Sheldon
read us
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Bosch Dishwasher Repair Manual Meme ~
already started in February, so it's mid-afternoon. But it robs hessefan and I have no desire to start studying yet. (I have time to become hysterical over the next two months.)
1. Your main fandom this year (2010):
2. The film that you liked best this year:
3. The best book I've read this year
4. Your favorite album or song that you've heard this year:
5. Your favorite TV series of the year:
6. Your favorite Livejournal community year
7. Your best fannish discovery of the year:
8. Fannish your biggest disappointment of the year:
9. Male character in fiction of the year:
10: female characters in fiction of the year:
11. Your hysterical frikifan time of year:
12. Your old fandoms what have you missed most? CHTMLX C
13. The fandom that you have not tried, but you would like:
14. As a fan what do you expect more impatiently for this new year?
1. Your main fandom this year (2010):
Bleach. Was more than I wrote and the most raved.
2. The film that you liked best this year:
The Wave. ( Die Welle German) was very shocking, theI saw some friends and stayed with my mouth open, very shocking. And the funny thing is that not the kind of film that I would look out of the blue. Unbelievable.
3. The best book I've read this year
Ppatience of the new year?
of everything! The next meeting between Naruto and Sasuke, a flashback of the making of Zoro that cut on the eye, and Ryohei Yamamoto return, knowing that paint really new Bleach, and by God, something, anything , over the past Ryuuken and Isshin.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Homemade Grecian Formula [Fanfic] The Watcher
Bleach and its characters are not mine, just turn to its universe and characters to let my imagination.
Title: The Watcher
Author: Florceleste
Fandom: Bleach
Character: Sado Yasutora
Couple: 5 / 10 Renji Abarai
Genre: Romance, Drama Rating
: General
Warnings: Set during the time shift. Spoiler (hidden and not both) of the last chapters of the manga.
Note: Currently the manga is in its Chapter 435,and continuous, so this fic may contradict the canon. No, I am sure that contradict the canon because too much delusion on my part. Hope you do not get bored. To
The Vigilante
Outside, rain swept with m & amwhenever Ishida, Inoue and I got up at once. Although he began to harass her sisters again, and one of them threatened to break the phone if volvíaa call on schedule. Three days ago that discussed with Ishida think you hide things. . But nothing happened, or even raise his voice, is controlled to not feel like a burden to us. The weekend we convinced him to leave. A girl tried something with it, but even noticed and ignored him. While that's happened before.
and felt deep voice filled the room Sado, while Renji asentíay took mental note of each forward and reverse. Rm &Grace will tell them when to Abarai.
- Yes, but improved. At least I will not kill you, or others. I'm the only one I want to kill my own arm.
- What may seem funny?
It was, for Yasutora. Tell someone who dreamed that his own arm out of control as Elya killed all your friends. At least he did not dream of horned beasts howling at the moon or black angels became dust in the desert. So, I could not tell their nightmares Inoue Ishida or because he felt that he had taken cheap.;
Ichigo was the most padecíay the least talked. Only once managed to get something about a nightmare in which his sword became his mother and he repeated that he wanted to protect him.
Therefore, Sado was just silly nightmares.
Finally, Renji started laughing too.
- And you, Abarai-kun? Any nightmares?
was strange, but those talks at half light, Renji had confessed some of his most intimate dreams. The Ruky away from a path lleno water and light as he called loudly. That horrible recurring dream of Captain Kuchiki taunted for being late. Until that very frightening, involving Kempachi Zaraki and a couple of bottles of sake. And though he wanted to believe that he had left no psychological wounds Hueco Mundo was Sado who noted that the Ely wilderness where his childhood friends did not know they ran to escape what, was too close to Hueco Mundo.
Since Renji went every two or three weeks to Karakura, quite often they were found. But it was only the preg Sadosmears of rigor, and only if it opened doors to other conversations. Things I prefer not to mention Renji or Ishida Inoue, inevitably ended up tell them to Sado.
- So gigai may not use without permission.
- Yes - To Abarai escaped the rage in that word.
- But again ...
- Last time we had to watch Ichigo camouflage.
- It is assumed that what she did is prohibited recovery "
XC - Sorry, I laugh at you. It is too much like Ichigo you dreamed.
Yasutora began to notice, besides the many similarities between his friends, a new consequence of that war.
- Why questions for him?
Yasutora had to suppress a smile, to see how twisted Abarai concerned about the unexpected blow.
- Ruky Because I know that you are concerned and I think they feel better when I have some news from here.
She looked without blinking and without replying, until he realized that the redhead did not believe a wordto that lie.
- Well, yes, I am concerned. - Abarai and leaned against the couch, bent his neck and stared at the huge moon that night clear. - It's not fair. Ruky was the only one who came to say goodbye. And now, I can not even get close to him to see and know how it is.
Although the next day had to get up early, did not sleep much. Yasutora could not be removed from the head that horrible feeling, just imagine without seeing Ichigo, unable to even come close.
- So Ichigo Shinigami no longer dreams?
- That said. But I was lying, did not want to worry Inoue.
- How do you do? How do you know so much about him? Although attempting
would not have been able to put more uncomfortable Sado. He took his time to respond, but not because I was thinking, but because he was ashamed.
- I watch ... a lot.
That night was the sueñoo for a planet that walking backwards, Renji was not able to read it thoroughly. CHT
or anything.
That night, Yasutora flushed several times, and Renji was able to distinguish each time.
- Why the bad mood?
Renji let go a sigh.
- want to appoint me captain.
- Yes? Is that wrong?
- No, no, it's a good thing. It means they recognize my ability and are desperate to fill empty seats. Any hopes someday shinigami captain.
- But you're not happy.
- No, no, esto and happy. It's just ...
That night, the wind, in addition to flying leaves, the words seemed to fly by the head of Renji. So he decided to complete Yasutora.
- I just do not feel satisfied. - Renji silent assent kept him moving. - As if you still have something to do, before taking that step.
- Exactly. I feel like I accomplished my goal yet.
- What is it?
- I swore superaríaa Kuchiki Byakuya. No longer keep the rancor of earlier peror is still my goal. If I become captain, would become his equal, and do not feel well. I do not feel up to the other captains.
- Maybe you should not think the captaincy as a goal, but as a step to move forward.
Renji thought for a second, still unsure when the detail caught his attention.
- How do you realize that he was in a bad mood? He wanted not notice me until I made jokes and everything. How do you know so much? I never told you anything about the captain Kuchiki. Yasu
tora just twisted and turned to her skin flush as the first time that Renji made him an uncomfortable question. With the difference that this time, Renji he could tell. And he felt the surprise in advance, before hearing the answer.
- I watch ... a lot.
a revelation It did not take this time to fit the pieces Renji and read between the lines. Although the lack of a gigai limited him a little, he felt he could take a chance and let out some frustration.
Yasutora be held back a little at first, it felt too weird. Nocorporeal was like kissing lips, but conveyed a strong heat, which ironically gave chills.
A cool breeze blowing through the window, loaded with moisture. Yasutora could not perceive it at all, burdened by the presence of body heritage Renji. It came, as usual, the question of rigor.
- And how will you Ichigo?
- You no longer have nightmares, at least. Although still see you in dreams. Keeps getting a bad mood every time there is the issue. And when one of us runs out, standing still and looking at nothing. Inoue arrived yesterday & oacute, fifteen minutes late and he was like crazy. Then she bit her not to ask anything and spent some time without speaking. Try to streamline their anxiety, help with sports clubs and everyone is chasing pickpockets Karakura. But it does not help much, spend too much energy to think not. Is forced to accept the situation.
Yasutora's face darkened with every word. Renji also noticed how his lips were compressed and crushed, and appeared as a slight wrinkle on his forehead.
- I worry that this lost himself. As if to surrender to being nothing.
—'s OK to worry about him. But you should not feel bad about it.
- is Ichigo. I have that.
- What if I asked you to look only at me?
That night seemed like it would rain again. The sky clouds permeating Karakura, while Renji was explaining that she could not return for awhile. Yasutora seemed more nervous than usual.
- But come back at some point?
- Yes, I suppose.
Yasutora The quiet acquiescence allowedstop that sad that I was with him, and say with more confidence.
- Yes, sure. Knowing Ichigo, sure it will not stop giving us problems so easily.
equivalíaa A smile a laugh and a hearty laugh Renji accompanied the first raindrops hitting the window.
- got a job.
- Ichigo? I can not imagine.
- seems a bit excited. Your boss is a special person. Do not know him, but he talks about it ...
- has to be special if I could bossyiQuest; there anything I can do? Anything.
Yasutora as always, took his time to answer, as if by hand go over everything I had seen since the last two weeks.
- I believe that everything will be fine, and no longer have to worry. But if something goes wrong ...
- Whatever it is, I have here. Since I am known for contempt. A further disobedience does nothing. Furthermore, it is as I said, Ichigo will always give us problems.
Renji left the apartment before it began to rain hard. But back then, it was hidden and esperando. Then he saw the strange girl who ultimately seemed more than human, and Yasutora dating her.
deep breath and turned. In this case, even if was not for him, sit by idly and wait.
Yasutora hoped not to be taking the wrong decision. Taking the risk to Riruka and his group was the only thing he could do.
Ichigo to pull from that well-blind faded. To enable Ruky see him again. To ease his own frustration, suffering and know they can not do anything. And also to see Renji a little more, as the pedia such selfish side of himself he thought he had forgotten.
************************************* ************************************************** ************************************************** *************** Notes
spent my muse took vacations with me. And one morning, ran to my habitacióny I cried I had to write this. Did my best to prosecute their good intentions.
The idea was to limit the narrative, and locate and develop the story through the di & aacute; logos. And that made sense, and unless something happened maso. It was interesting.
Again, yage, hope you like it. I hope not to have missed a lot, especially with the personality of Renji.On the other hand, there is much at stake delirium in this story. The fee is probably going to laugh in the face in a few months. But until then I'll be happy.
Renji captain? Mine total delirium. I have the idea in his head from the discussion between and Ikaku because I was hiding his bankai. According to Iba, just get the bankai shinigami, which is required to take as captainomments, criticisms and theories on future captains are welcome. Greetings.