Your main fandom of the year?
fandom I was interested in several minority (but not very active) but it certainly was the main FMA, I think mainly because I could see his grand finale.
Your favorite film this year watched Lately I've seen many movies, but if you choose one, I think it is entangled, a couple of weeks ago I went to her and I loved it, added the realistic humor it became for those who went to see it XDtiful
Your favorite LJ community of the year?
, although I have and have forgotten since the anime and manga have ended, was the community where most have lived.
Your best new fandom discovery of the year? I am among Toradora!, Kimi ni todoke and last!, The last and I finished him XD, but I think the best was Kimi ni todoke.
fandom Your Biggest disappointment of the year? Unfortunately
Your girlfriend of the year?
XD accept suggestions what I can say? I am a lonely soul
Your Biggest squee moment of the year?
I could say that the declaration of Ed Winry, but partly that was something that sooner or
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