Yesterday I was watching Dear Jack, the film documentary about the fight against leukemia Andrew McMahon, leader of Something Corporate, Jack's Mannequin, a survivor of acute lymphoblastic leukemia twice and foremost a hero, a role model for all people who aspire to the life of the music. And a documentary of these proportions (epic, I mean) always leads to thinking about all these topics that seem to never going to play plunge and suddenly one day they arrive.
I met a girl0%, so it is very important to disclose this information because otherwise, if you do not have the factor of chance, for these people is very difficult to find a compatible donor.
is vital to know what is the donation of bone mécula, because ten minutes of your time and some initiative on your part can help save a life. And you save to save you and your sister and your neighbor to save the fifth and so on, many lives saved just by reading this and be brave enough to endure a pinchacito.
What are the CPH?
The CPH is responsible for producing stem cells: red blood cells that carry oxygen to tissues;white blood cells that fight infection in the body and is involved in immune surveillance, and platelets, which participate in the process of blood clotting. The CPH is found in human bone marrow is a spongy tissue located in the center of bones where blood cells are made. Circulate in the blood when stimulated exit from the bone. These cells are also found in umbilical cord blood and placenta of a newborn.
Who can donate?
Everyone between 18 and 55 years of age in good health, with a minimum weight of 50 kg. and able to donate blood.
Unlike blood donation, the donationtion of bone is not made until a patient does not appear compatible with each other (which may never happen.) appearance as a donor, blood tests are done to record the genetic and serological markers, and one is incorporated in the international registration.
It may not be called ever, can be called 30 years after registration. The possibility of finding a match is 1 in 40,000, and it is SO important that more and more people join.
Of course you can leave the registry if you wish at any point in their lives. However, it should be noted that when he contracted a moral obligation, so you should inform the decision as well is removed from it. For if one is callmado, and decide you do not want to donate, you should know that there is someone waiting to possibly already said they met their match.
is almost impossible that the situation be consistent more than once, but year after an extraction can be re-entered in the register.
But how do you donate bone marrow?
There are two methods, although it is increasingly using apheresis for its practicality.
- Peripheral blood :
Apheresis is a technique that extracts of blood a substance (or several) to travez a special machine. It is used for cases of bone marrow donation or platelets among others. It must implement a series of "shots" 5 days before donationTo stimulate the marrow to produce more CPH. On the day of donation is connected to the patient to a cell separator machine with a needle in each arm. Blood is taken from one arm, then circulated through the machine to remove stem cells and other blood cells are returned to the patient through the other arm. It may take more than one session to get enough cells. The cell collection procedure is safe and well tolerated. Possible side effects are rare cramps and tingling may occur due to transient use of citrate for blood to flow without clotting in the interior of the cell separators. Pain at the venipuncture. Decrease in the numberplatelets, white blood cell that produces no symptoms and recovered in 1 or 2 semanas.Hipotensión.
- Marrow: (not the same as spinal cord!) Requires one or two days in hospital and general or epidural anesthesia. Punctured the hip bone to aspirate the cells. Bone marrow donation no sequelae and the donor's marrow is regenerated in a few days. No other risk than general or epidural anesthesia, risk is very low in healthy people the chance of complications is 1 in 50,000 cases. For extraction effect can appear only slight residual pain in the hip that disappears after a few days of the donation.
CHTM Cord Blood Donation
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